Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Khan academy
1) you get your growth rate of a country by taking the current population minus the initial population then divide that by the initial population then multiply that by 100
2) The individual countries take on children play a big role in what stage they are in and what their growth rate is. Religion, type of work and the population can play a part in this.
3) The longer time goes on the further along the stages the countries will be. For example, in the 1800's pretty much every country was in stage one. Then starting in the early 1900's the countries started to progress into stage two. It will continue along with this as time goes on.
Kim smith
1)  Back before the industrial revolution, the worlds population only grew about 67,000 each year. Now the worlds population grows about 67,000 people every 6 hours.
2) Children were defined as assets. The children helped out around the house, and if you lived on a farm, which most people did, then they would be a crucial part of running the farm. That is why a lot of people had so many kids back before the industrial revolution and why most countries were still in stage one.
3) Stage three is when children change from assets to liabilities. They become an economic hazard and take up a lot of time. This changed from children helping out their families with economic needs and they were pretty important to have a lot of them.
populations grow
1) There a two main factors that influence population change. One of them is rate of natural increase, and the second one is net migration rate.
2) In many countries the main factor of population not declining is migration. If there were no migration then in countries like America for instance, the population would be declining instead of rising
3) The stages of the countries also relates to the money of the country and the resources. If the country is poor and there aren't a lot of resources, like African countries, then they would be in stage two. On the other hand, countries like japan and Italy are wealthy and have lots a resources, so they are higher up in the stages. The countries like this will be in stage four or the undefined stage five.

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