Friday, February 14, 2020

greece questions

1) Mycenaean- People who settled on the greek mainland around 2000 BC
Trojan War- During the late 1200's BC the Mycenean fought a ten year war against troy
Dorian- New group of people that moved into the war torn country side. dialect of greek.
Homer- greatest storyteller and he is blind
epic- narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
myth- Traditional stories about their gods
2) In my opinion the minoan contributed to the greek culture the most because with the other two it only talks about them moving into greeve but it doesn't say they really contributed. The Minoans contributed the writing system, pottery designs, etc.
3) This geographical advantage that Greece had was effective in making them great sailors. As they were great sailors, they could travel vey easily instead of just walking or riding horses.
4) the Myceneans adopted the idea of seaborne trade from the Minoans as they were great sailors, now they could make a profit off of their great talent.
5) The epics told the stories og great and heroic deeds or acts. This was important because now the great things people did were written down and remembered so that generations that followed could know what the people did. it also sets an example on why and how people she act.

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