Monday, May 4, 2020


The Twelve Tables were written laws for plebeians to have power to propose legislation, intervene in legal matters, and veto the actions of other magistrates. The common people/plebeians finally had a say in the law. The laws were first carved into wooden tablets(tables) and then onto bronze to be permanent. They were carved onto twelve tablets, hence the name The Twelve Tables, and place all over the Forum for people to see. a group of ten patricians began writing down Rome's laws and hung them in the Forum. They were memorized and added onto later on. The laws were passed in three different types of assemblies.
 -Centuriate Assembly- for high elections and military affairs
-Tribal Assembly- for lower elections
- Plebeian assembly- for matters that only affected lower classes

The senate would propose the law then people would discuss it and vote on it.

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