Monday, November 25, 2019


Today in class we took a test on the 5 major religions. I forgot about the test so I didn't study. luckily we had time before we took to go over our notes. I think I did okay on it. Although I think I did okay I wanted a really good grade so im going to have to step it up.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Today in class we went over religions. We talked about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, budism, and islam. he largest religion is Christianity and the smallest one Is Judaism. Jews have been persecuted for many, many years. They have been pushed away and killed. That is one of the reasons Judaism isn't as big as some of the other religions.  Islam will eventually become the worlds most populous religion. The only non monotheism religion out of these is Hinduism.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Today in class we reviewed for the test. A girl in class had a quizlet that we used. On the test, which is Monday, there are 25 questions on the religions Christianity, buddism, Hinduism, Judaism, and islam. I have to study the powerpoint and quizlet to get a good grade.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Today in class we got our tests back. I got an 88 on it. Its okay but I should have done better and I made stupid mistakes. We also went over the test and all of the questions. One of the questions I got wrong was the us GDP per capitta. There were a couple other stupid mistakes I made. I Wish I would have done better so my overall grade would be better

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today in class we took a test. I forgot about the test so I didn't study for it. I think I did pretty good on it. There was only two question I didn't know the answer to out of 40 questions. one of those questions was what country had a GDP per cappita of 59000. The answer was united states but I put japan because I didn't know. Hopefully I got a good grade on it because I really want to get straight a's this year and this could help me get an a for this class.

Friday, November 15, 2019


Today in class we watched two videos. One of them we watched before. That one was on population periods. That video was to review for the test on Tuesday. I have to study for that. Some of the things I need to know are the males are blue and are always on the right. I also need to know what type of graph or period means and which one stands for rapid growth, slow growth, and declining. The other video was jeopardy and we just watched that for fun.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Today in class we finished the presentations on the developing and post industrial countries. I learned a lot of new information on all the different countries. We had one presentation today and we did the rest of them yesterday. My countries were Japan and Vietnam. After the presentation, we had to get a piece of paper with our group members name and give everyone a grade, including ourselves. I am not too worried about my grade because I feel as if I did Farley well on it. Hopefully I got an A on it because I got a really bad grade on one of the pop quizzes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today in class we presented our post industrial, and developing presentation. For my slide I had to present the solution to japans problems. The problem for japan was their population. The solution that I had was to have immigrants from other Asian counties to immigrant into japan, but Japan also has to offer and make good deals for the immigrants to make them want to com into their country. Here are some of the things that I said in my presentation:
  • Immigrants could be welcomed into Japan in efforts to increase the population.
  •  If Japan wants to keep its cultures as similar as possible, then it should welcome in the Chinese, or other Asian countries to live there.
  • The prime minister is trying to make moving to Japan sound appealing by offering good jobs to immigrants.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Today in class we continued to work on our project for our developed countries and post industrialized countries. I am presenting the solution for japans problem. The problem for japan is their population. The solution is to have people immigrate to their country and fill in jobs and make their population grow.  I am done my slide and I just have to practice what I am going to say in class. It has to be at least 2 minutes long.

Friday, November 8, 2019


Today in class we worked on a power point with a group. There were team captains and they chose who they wanted in their group. After we were in our groups, we had to choose two different countries. One of the countries had to be post industrial. the other one had to be developing. we chose japan and Vietnam. We got done half of the research on the Vietnam side but we still have to do the japan.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today in class we went over question that were going to be on a pop quiz but we never ended up having it. The questions that we went over were related to population and migration. For example one of the questions was which country produces the most oil, the answer would be the united states. Another question that was asked was which country has the highest population, the answer is china. Another question was what is the population of the world. The answer to that would be 7.6 billion. If it was a quiz instead of just a review, I wouldn't have done very good on it, I didn't know about half of the answers so it wouldn't have been good.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/5/19 cia facts blog

1) India has a population of 1,296,834,042.  this is important because there population relative to the actual size of the country is horrible. There population is very dense. They need to do something about their population before it gets to a point that it is beyond help.
2) Angola has a birth rate of 43.7 children for every woman. This is an African country which is developing. As they don't have things like birth control or condoms, they have lots of kids. A lot of countries in Africa don't have a lot of supplies or food. If they can barely feed and have enough water for the people that are already living, how are they suppose to have enough for the 6.35 babies for every woman .
3)Lebanon has a net migration rate of -40.3. This means that somethin must be really wrong with their country. This is a problem because this that many people keep leaving then one day they aren't going to have enough people to function. Since everyone wants to leave, they aren't going to have enough people to have jobs or to even have a stable economy.
4) The central African republic has a GDP per cappita of 700 dollars. This is a huge problem. This means the average income of one person per year is 700. This is not enough to create a live or a living. This is less then most people in the united states make in 2 weeks. People wont be able to buy the essential things you need to live. They need to fix so that the people that live there can actually live comfortably.
5)The united states has 13,315 airports. This is great because it makes us a good stop between flights. When people are flying, most of the time they don't fly for the whole flight, they split it so it is less time on each plane. It also makes the US a good and easy destination to fly to because you could pretty much fly anywhere you wanted. It makes it easy for people to move around and visit places or people. It also probably helps our economy out a lot as it makes a lot of money for us.

1)united states-slow growth
2)Angola-rapid growth
3)Chad-rapid growth
4)lybia-rapid growth
5)niger-rapid growth

Friday, November 1, 2019


Today in class we continued to watch the video of population, average lifespan, and average income put into a graph. As we watched it we were told we had a quiz on it so we had to remember everything. After the video we took the quiz and I didn't do good on it. I got a 3/10 on it. I am not happy with my grade especially since I have to start second quarter with it. the material in the video was simple though. Professor Rosling gave us a unique visualization of population and income trends over the last 200 years, and he came to an optimistic conclusion. In his words, we have become "an entirely new, converging, world," one where "everyone can make it to the healthy, wealthy corner."