Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/5/19 cia facts blog

1) India has a population of 1,296,834,042.  this is important because there population relative to the actual size of the country is horrible. There population is very dense. They need to do something about their population before it gets to a point that it is beyond help.
2) Angola has a birth rate of 43.7 children for every woman. This is an African country which is developing. As they don't have things like birth control or condoms, they have lots of kids. A lot of countries in Africa don't have a lot of supplies or food. If they can barely feed and have enough water for the people that are already living, how are they suppose to have enough for the 6.35 babies for every woman .
3)Lebanon has a net migration rate of -40.3. This means that somethin must be really wrong with their country. This is a problem because this that many people keep leaving then one day they aren't going to have enough people to function. Since everyone wants to leave, they aren't going to have enough people to have jobs or to even have a stable economy.
4) The central African republic has a GDP per cappita of 700 dollars. This is a huge problem. This means the average income of one person per year is 700. This is not enough to create a live or a living. This is less then most people in the united states make in 2 weeks. People wont be able to buy the essential things you need to live. They need to fix so that the people that live there can actually live comfortably.
5)The united states has 13,315 airports. This is great because it makes us a good stop between flights. When people are flying, most of the time they don't fly for the whole flight, they split it so it is less time on each plane. It also makes the US a good and easy destination to fly to because you could pretty much fly anywhere you wanted. It makes it easy for people to move around and visit places or people. It also probably helps our economy out a lot as it makes a lot of money for us.

1)united states-slow growth
2)Angola-rapid growth
3)Chad-rapid growth
4)lybia-rapid growth
5)niger-rapid growth

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