Monday, September 30, 2019

9/30/19 blog

Today in class we went over a PowerPoint of latitude and longitude. Latitude is measuring  from north to south but the lines go from east to west. I remember this by thinking a ladder because the word latitude sounds like ladder. You are moving up and down on a ladder but the little stepping things go from left to right. Longitude is measuring from east to west but the lines go from north to south. I remember this by thinking of long. The word longitude sounds like the word long. Long meaning side to side. Longitude isn't parallel whereas latitude is. Longitude lines all meat at the north and south pole. Latitude lines go around the world and are parallel . We have a test tomorrow so I need to study a lot because right now I have a B in this class and I need an A.  In all of my other classes I have an A so I really need to step it up for Human geo.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

9/26/19 blog

Today in class we learned about situation. Situation is where places are compared to things around it. Its direct directions to a place. An example is turn left at the second red light then drive for 2 miles and make a left at the yellow brick bank. This relates to geography because it is a way of geographically knowing where everything is and how to get to it. We talked about the question how do geographers describe where things are. This is an answer to that question. They use situation. They describe where things are using situation, Directly giving directions or telling what is around that area. We didn't finish our lesson because the class was shortened so we had to rush.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today in class we tried to answer the question of, how do geographers describe where things are located. We took notes on words like site.Site is the physical character of a place. It can include climate, water source, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude and elevation. We took notes all class. In the beginning of class the wifi was down so we barely finished our lesson. We had to rush through it. Some thing that I remember from class was how they expanded new York to twice its normal size by piling trash and old broken ships up. Once it was high enough they could put rock and dirt on it. This is part of the reason why new York is so big and why it is big enough to be a world redound place.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

9/19/19 blog

Peters map is a more accurate version of the flat map when compared to Mercator's map. Mercator's map contains a more accurate size of the individual continents compared to each other. Although it looks a little bizarre, it is better then the Mercator's map. Since it is more accurate, schools should be using it, and regular people should be using it in their everyday life. The challenge of any flat map is to portray the round earth on a flat surface. It is impossible. It cant be done. Each map has its own strengths and corresponding differences. Which map you want to use depends on what you are using the map for.  The Mercator's map distorts the size of land masses but the general shape of the continents are what they actually look like, where as peters map distorts or elongates the land masses to make them look non realistic. In the Mercator's map, the poles are completely wrong. The farther away from the equator you get, the shorter around the earth is. In this map, the farther away you get from the equator the bigger the land masses are compared to their actual size in reality. Again, it is impossible to accurately represent the third dimension world on a two dimensional surface.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

9/18/19 blog

Today in class we continued to discuss maps. We talked about how peters map should be used and we used Socrates' method of critical thinking in that we formed our own opinions on these map topics. We also got our quizzes back. I am happy with my grade but I feel that I couldn't have done better if I prepared more. I only studied the night before the test because I didn't find the topic that hard. I should've studied more but I know next time what I have to do. It was good for the first test. I had a good day too. WE didn't do tons of work in any of my classes and I don't have much homework. We also played Calvert hall today in a conference game and got killed. I was expecting it thought because we aren't that good and Calvert hall is

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9/17/19 blog

Today in class we discussed maps. We talked about how the common flat map isn't accurate at all. Peters map looks stretched out yet the size of the continents are way more accurate. When you are traveling around the world you the longest part is at the equator and the closest or smallest travel is at the poles. The flat map cant display the round world no matter how it is arranged or displayed. Most schools and just people in general use a normal flat map. If you were to use one instead of a globe then you should use peters maps because the size of countries relative to others is nearly perfect. Even though it doesn't display the proportions of a globe, it cant because it is a flat map.

Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13/19 blog

Today in class we had our first test. Last night I studied a little bit but I also had to study for two other test for today, I had homework for other classes, and I had a game so I didn't get home until late. The test was fairly easy except for two questions that I forgot the answers to. I think I will get a pretty good grade on it. We had to do two essays. They were pretty easy. I hope I got a good grade on this test because I have a 75 in the class right now from not doing a blog one night. Since im in STEAM I have to keep all my grades for all of my classes above an 85 so I cant afford to get bad grades on anything. I had an honors biology test today and I have a math quiz later. I got a b on the biology test and hopefully a good grade on the math quiz and geography test.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

9/12/19 blog

Today in class we talked about secretes. He started to make people think about things other then Greek philosophy. Since he lived in Athens and he was going against the beliefs of the Greek philosophy. He had a trial as the punishment of death. There were 500 juris. There were 279 people that voted guilty and 221 that voted innocent. He admitted to doing what he did but he claimed they should be rewarding him instead of punishing him. His friends convinced the guards to turn their heads and let him escape. When secretes was told he could escape he said no because he believed in the new system of the government. It was a form of democracy and if he escaped it was not following the rules. He faced his punishment and drank the poison which caused him to have a very slow and painful death.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

9/11/19 blog

Agora-open space for assembly's and markets. Chance to make a living to buy stuff, or to meet with important topics.
Polis- A city in ancient Greece specifically used for philosophy purposes. Origin of the word politics.
508 BC- Klisthenis came to power and placed foundations with Athenian democracy. First time in recorded history that people revolted against there ruler. France in 1789 and Russia in 1917.
Socrates- He was a Greek philosopher who founded western philosophy. Leader of the first democracy.
Socratic method- Named after a Greek philosopher. It is cooperative arguments and dialogue. asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking. h
Greek idiot- In ancient Greece, everyone had to vote. If someone didn't vote they were publicly marked and labelled as an idiot.

Monday, September 9, 2019

9/9/19 blog

Today in class we continued to learn about Elbert Hubbard. We reviewed The Message to Garcia. Again, he thinks people are just flat out lazy and no good. He thinks people wont do anything for anyone except when threatened, physical abuse occurs, or when the"boss is watching." People aren't good for the most part. It is very rare to see a good individual. Elbert was also a very good writer. HIs vocabulary was so good it makes it really hard to read and understand it. It was so well written that people still refer to it over a hundred year later. It is a very popular short story, sold in 37 different languages and used all around the world.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

9/6/19 Blog

A Message to Garcia is a short story about how people are not good. People only do things when it benefits them, for physical violence, or they are getting threatened. It says People will always make excuses to try and get out of what they are told to do. If it does look like they are doing something, as soon as the boss turns their back, they will be lazy and not do what they are told. The author proceeds to say there are some good people out there but they are very rare, and near impossible to find. This short story was written in the 1800 and is still read and used today. It still applies to all the people that live in our world today. It was spread throughout the whole world and was printed in 37 different languages. Nowadays it is most popularly used in the military as slang for taking initiative.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

9/5/19 Blog

High school is thought to be the most challenging period of our education. Not only do classes get harder, but we need to manage our time, and become more responsible and independent. The passage, "A Message to Garcia" explains that the world needs people who have a great work ethic. It explains that no matter how challenging something is, one should always try their best and be willing to work. This story is great for high schoolers to read because its exactly what we are going through. Most of us are lazy and try to take the easy route or just blow work or classes off completely. Its east to say your going to do it but hard to actually go through with it. Once something gets too hard for people, they quite, and that's not how society should be. I personally am going to do my best throughout high school and try and succeed further down the road.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

first day of school blog

The best part of the first day of school was the free mod. Since we didn't have homework I just got to hangout with my friends in the cafeteria. I have a lot of my friends that I already knew in my free mod which makes it so much better. we just ate food the whole mod and talked. The worst part of my day was lunch. I got there a few minutes late so the table that had all the people I usually talk to was all filled up and I ended up sitting with random kids that I didn't know. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to lunch earlier and be able to sit where I want. Over all it was a really good first day, I found all my classes, they were all fairly easy so far, and I like all of my teachers. I don't mind the seat I was given in class. I don't have any sight problems or hearing problems.