Wednesday, September 4, 2019

first day of school blog

The best part of the first day of school was the free mod. Since we didn't have homework I just got to hangout with my friends in the cafeteria. I have a lot of my friends that I already knew in my free mod which makes it so much better. we just ate food the whole mod and talked. The worst part of my day was lunch. I got there a few minutes late so the table that had all the people I usually talk to was all filled up and I ended up sitting with random kids that I didn't know. Hopefully tomorrow I will get to lunch earlier and be able to sit where I want. Over all it was a really good first day, I found all my classes, they were all fairly easy so far, and I like all of my teachers. I don't mind the seat I was given in class. I don't have any sight problems or hearing problems.

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