Friday, September 13, 2019

9/13/19 blog

Today in class we had our first test. Last night I studied a little bit but I also had to study for two other test for today, I had homework for other classes, and I had a game so I didn't get home until late. The test was fairly easy except for two questions that I forgot the answers to. I think I will get a pretty good grade on it. We had to do two essays. They were pretty easy. I hope I got a good grade on this test because I have a 75 in the class right now from not doing a blog one night. Since im in STEAM I have to keep all my grades for all of my classes above an 85 so I cant afford to get bad grades on anything. I had an honors biology test today and I have a math quiz later. I got a b on the biology test and hopefully a good grade on the math quiz and geography test.

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